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Five Ways to Wellbeing

The Five Ways to Wellbeing are simple actions to practice each day to maintain or improve our mental health and wellbeing. The New Economics Foundation developed the set of evidence-based actions in 2008. The project examined research from across the world on proven actions that can help us to feel good and function well.

  • Small improvements in wellbeing can increase our ability to lead a more fulfilling life.
  • Each action in the Five Ways to Wellbeing can make a positive difference to your life.
  • The Five Ways to Wellbeing are free and easy to incorporate into your life.
  • You are probably doing some of these actions already without being aware of it.
  • To get the most from the Five Ways to Wellbeing, try to combine all of them on a daily basis.

Take a moment to read through our examples and see how much time you give to the actions each day. Life can be hectic at times, but taking time to incorporate one or more of the Five Ways to Wellbeing can improve wellbeing.

What is Wellbeing?

  • Wellbeing is feeling good about yourself, the world around you and functioning well in everyday life, most of the time. Being resilient and coping with the normal stresses of life is also an important attribute of wellbeing.
  • There are many things that can influence your wellbeing. These include exercise, diet, sense of belonging, relationships, career, self-care, spirituality, money, where we live, and sense of purpose.
  • Wellbeing is much broader than simply how happy you are. It also includes how satisfied you are with your life, your sense of purpose, and how in control you feel.


Make time each day to Connect. Connect with the people around you. With family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. At home, work, school or in your local community. By staying connected and nurturing these relationships we feel happier and more secure, giving us a better sense of purpose.

Be Active

Look for ways to be active everyday. Go for a walk or a run. Step outside. Cycle, play a game, garden or dance. Discover a physical activity you enjoy which suits your lifestyle and level of mobility and fitness. Research has shown being physically active can improve your mental health and wellbeing.

Take Notice

Be aware of the world around you and what you are feeling. Be Curious. Catch sight of the beautiful. Notice the changing seasons. Savour the moment whether you are walking to work, eating lunch or talking to friends. Pay attention to the present moment – to your thoughts, feelings and to the world around you.

Keep Learning

Try something new. Rediscover an old interest. Sign up for that course. Cook a new recipe. Take on a new responsibility. Setting yourself a new challenge and learning a new skill will increase your confidence which can improve your mental health and wellbeing.


Giving to others is good for you. Do something nice for someone else. Thank someone. Volunteer your time or join a community group. See yourself and your happiness linked to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding and create connectedness with the people around you.