Mindspace Mayo is continuing to provide mental health support for young people during the COVID-19 outbreak.
We acknowledge that the uncertainty brought about by COVID-19 can raise feelings of anxiety, distress and concern. Maintaining the mental health of young people remains our priority.
We are working to ensure we can continue to deliver high-quality support for young people while also ensuring the health and wellbeing of young people and their families, our staff and our supporters.
As of 20th October 2020 we have adopted the following approaches:
• Mindspace Mayo continues to deliver support to young people in Mayo. Where possible, and appropriate, we are delivering this care by telephone and/or video.
• In support of the national response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Mindspace office is CLOSED to the public in line with government advice.
• We continue to accept new referrals. To make a referral contact 094-9067001 or www.mindspacemayo.ie
We have put these arrangements in place to ensure we can continue to keep the work of Mindspace running as optimally as possible while trying to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the community.
Our website has resources, podcasts and information for young people and families that they may find useful.